Calling all people pleasers, all the high achievers, all the sacrificing givers, and the overthinking sensitives. How often do you find yourself saying yes, let me just squeeze that into my to do list despite feeling overworked, overextended, and burnt out? This book is about expanding your vocabulary and strategic tactics in the sphere of no.
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A response to a demanding consulting world
The concept for the book was born out of a high-demand environment at a management consulting firm in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The firm had more projects than people. Days were filled with back-to-back video calls. Teams were facing high burnout, low retention, and low morale. It sparked a conversation around how to say no while also maintaining relationships, finding fulfillment, and creating balance.
Born of fast-pace environments
Our world today is overwhelmed with a high volume and speed of information, communication, offers, messages, and demands. Saying yes to everything is a recipe for values misalignment, disappointment, and burnout. Learning to say no effectively is an essential skill for every person, in both business and in life. And no can be an essential part of getting to yes.
This book is a compilation of learnings over more than 15 years of working in high-demand, high-stakes, and high-stress consulting environments. My hope is that this book helps others express self-respect and healthy boundaries in a way that is empowering and confidence-boosting, to attract dreams and aspirations in business and life. May no help you design a career and life you want to say yes to.
15+ years of insights
Carbon Estimating Leader
“People today are naturally inclined to say yes, even in situations where our gut tells us to say no. ‘No Is Sexy' is a valuable tool for anyone who may struggle with people pleasing or boundary setting. It encourages one to stay firm in their desires and honor their values.”
Product Mgmt. Leader
“‘No is Sexy’ is a thought provoking and practical guide for professional and personal growth. It offers a compelling argument that no is just as important (if not more so) than yes on the path to success. This is a must read for those who tend to overcommit, people please, or simply are looking for a fresh perspective.”
“This is a work of art! It felt like having my hand held by a dear friend. People are going to love this book.”
Certified Fulfillment Coach
Mgmt. Consulting Leader
“A beautiful reminder of how boundaries can set us free.”
“A thoughtful and unique perspective on how to manage the very delicate balance of maintaining your mental wellness while continuing to advance professionally.”